Vitaliy's Auto Sales has been in Business since 1987. We have 29 years experience selling Fully-Serviced, Low Mileage, Pre-owned vehicles at Below the Book Value. In Addition is our State of the Art Auto Body and Auto Repair facility, that is Ma Licensed and Fully Insured. We can repair any Make and Model vehicle on the road today. Other services include, a full line of Automobile Transportation Trucks that can ship your vehicle Nationwide at an affordable price. Whether you purchase a vehicle from us and would like it shipped to your door step, or you simply want your car brought to your winter home in Florida, we do it all!
Vitaliy's Auto Body/Auto Repair/Auto Transport
108 Meadow Street | Chicopee, MA 01013
Tel: (413) 534-4200
Fax: (413) 533-9731
Our Services Include:
Our transportation servicesoffer numerous carriers to get your car/truck/sport utility wherever and whenever you need it to be there. Call now to get a Free rate quote! (413) 534-4200. Our vehicle transport fleet includes over 12 trucks available at any given time
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-6:00pm | Saturday: 9:00am-4:00pm